The Ultimate Guide to Open Table Format

The days of rigid, expensive databases are fading. Data lakes emerged as a flexible solution to the challenges of big data, allowing businesses to store massive amounts of raw data from diverse sources. In fact, data lakes have become the lifeblood of modern data-driven organisations. They're vast repositories of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, holding the raw potential for groundbreaking insights.

But how can you make the most of this data goldmine? The answer lies in open table formats.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the world of open table formats, exploring what they are, why they're crucial, the various options available & their features and how they're shaping the future of data management and analysis.

What are open table formats?

Open table formats are specialised file formats designed to make storing and analysing data within data lakes faster, easier, and more efficient. They are vendor-agnostic, providing more control and flexibility.

Why are open table formats needed?

Think of traditional data storage like a cluttered attic – it's hard to find what you need, and it costs a lot to maintain. Open table formats are like organising that attic with efficient storage solutions, making everything easily accessible and affordable.

Open table formats optimise data storage and access, leading to faster query responses, cost-effective storage, and enhanced data reliability and consistency.

What are some common open table formats?

Popular open table formats include Apache Parquet, Apache ORC, Apache Avro, Apache Iceberg, Delta Lake, and Hudi.

Advantages of open table formats

Open table formats offer several key advantages:

  • Blazing-Fast Performance: They optimise data storage and access, leading to significantly faster query responses.

  • Cost-Effective Storage: They compress and optimise data, reducing storage costs.

  • Reliability: Some formats, like Delta Lake, provide ACID transactions, ensuring data reliability and consistency.

  • Compatibility:  Open table formats are compatible with a wide range of tools, preventing vendor lock-in.

Understanding Open Table Formats

Let's break down what these formats are all about:

Apache Parquet:

A columnar storage format optimised for complex data types and analytical workloads. Ideal for read-heavy operations on large datasets.

    • Data Types: Excels with nested data structures (arrays, maps), complex types, and analytics.

    • Compression: Very efficient, particularly with Snappy or GZIP.

    • Technical Highlights: Columnar storage, predicate pushdown, and wide ecosystem support.

Apache ORC:

Another columnar format, but optimised for high-performance reads and writes in large-scale data processing. Suitable for both read-heavy and write-heavy workloads.

    • Data Types: Efficient for numeric, time-series, and generally structured data.

    • Compression: Offers a wider range of compression options (ZLIB, Snappy, LZO), often better than Parquet for numeric data.

    • Technical Highlights: Lightweight indexes, bloom filters, ACID transactions (within Hive).

Apache Avro:

A row-based format designed for data serialisation and exchange. Often used for streaming data pipelines.

    • Data Types: Well-suited for schema evolution and dynamic data structures.

    • Compression: Moderate compression ratios, not as efficient as Parquet or ORC.

    • Technical Highlights: Compact storage, efficient serialisation/deserialisation, schema embedded in the file.

Apache Iceberg:

Designed to handle massive analytic tables with evolving schemas. Supports hidden partitioning and time travel.

    • Data Types: Versatile, can handle various types including complex ones.

    • Compression: Leverages underlying formats (like Parquet) for compression.

    • Technical Highlights: Optimised for petabyte-scale, schema evolution, and snapshot isolation for consistent reads.

Delta Lake:

Brings reliability to data lakes with ACID transactions (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). Supports schema enforcement, versioning, and time travel.

    • Data Types: Like Parquet, handles complex types well.

    • Compression: Leverages Parquet's compression.

    • Technical Highlights: ACID compliance, unified batch and streaming, and optimised for data reliability.


Handles incremental data processing and updates efficiently. Supports record-level updates and deletes.

    • Data Types: Flexible, works with a variety of data types.

    • Compression: Depends on the underlying file format used (Parquet, ORC).

    • Technical Highlights: Optimised for fast upserts, incremental processing, and data ingestion from streaming sources.

Comparison of Open Table Formats

Real-World Success with Open Table Formats

Netflix and Apache Parquet: Netflix uses Parquet's efficient compression and columnar storage to manage massive amounts of data, powering their recommendation engine and ensuring a seamless viewing experience.

Expedia Group and Apache ORC: Expedia leverages ORC's high-performance capabilities to process vast datasets related to flights, hotels, and bookings, optimising customer insights and offerings.

Databricks and Delta Lake: Databricks relies on Delta Lake for robust ACID transactions and unified batch and streaming capabilities, ensuring data reliability and consistency in their data pipelines.

Future of Open Table Formats

The future of open table formats is poised for exciting developments, with several key trends and innovations on the horizon. Upcoming trends include:

·         Enhanced support for real-time analytics

·         Tighter integration with AI and machine learning frameworks

·         Improved data governance features

In terms of innovations, we can expect continued development of crucial features such as schema evolution, ACID transactions, and various performance optimizations. These advancements will likely shape the landscape of open table formats, making them more powerful and versatile tools for data management and analysis.

How do AI and Machine Learning impact open table formats?

AI and Machine Learning significantly enhance the capabilities of data lakes by enabling The impact of AI and Machine Learning on open table formats is significant and far-reaching. These formats play a crucial role in enabling efficient storage and querying of large datasets, which are essential for AI/ML models. As technology progresses, we can expect the integration between open table formats and AI/ML tools to become increasingly seamless. This improved integration will provide robust support for advanced analytics, allowing organisations to derive deeper insights from their data and make more informed decisions. The synergy between open table formats and AI/ML technologies is poised to drive innovation in data management and analysis, opening new possibilities for businesses across various sectors.

Use Cases of AI and Machine Learning in Data Lakes

Customer Insights: Companies can use Machine Learning to analyse customer data from various sources, gaining insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and sentiment.

Fraud Detection: Financial institutions can leverage AI to detect fraudulent activities by analysing transaction patterns and flagging anomalies in real-time.

Supply Chain Efficiency: AI can optimise supply chain operations by predicting demand, managing inventory levels, and identifying inefficiencies.

Product Recommendations: E-commerce platforms use Machine Learning algorithms to provide personalised product recommendations based on customer browsing and purchase history.

Predictive Maintenance: Manufacturing companies apply Machine Learning to sensor data from machinery to predict and prevent equipment failures, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Final note…

As data continues to grow in volume and importance, the role of open table formats will only become more critical. They are not just tools for data storage; they are enablers of innovation, driving advancements in real-time analytics, AI integration, and data governance.

The journey of open table formats is far from over. As they continue to evolve and improve, they promise to unlock even more value from our data lakes, turning them from mere data repositories into powerhouses of insight and innovation.


What is the best open table format for large-scale analytics?

Apache Parquet and ORC are both excellent choices for large-scale analytics due to their optimised read performance.

How do Delta Lake and Hudi differ in handling data updates?

Delta Lake supports ACID transactions, making it suitable for environments requiring strong data consistency. Hudi is optimised for faster upserts and incremental data processing.

Can I use multiple open table formats in a single data lake?

Yes, you can use different formats for different use cases within the same data lake to leverage their unique benefits.

What are the cost implications of using open table formats?

Open table formats can significantly reduce storage costs through efficient data compression and encoding.

How do I choose the right open table format for my organisation?

Consider factors like data types, query patterns, scalability needs, and specific use cases to choose the right format.