Tenant satisfaction is one of the most important parts of being successful in the social housing industry, as it often leads to a higher CSAT (customer satisfaction score) which alone has numerous benefits outlined in some of our previous blogs. However, in order to ensure that your tenants are satisfied, active involvement from your organisation is necessary.
Data insights needed to achieve your net-zero strategic goals
Without data, our awareness of issues regarding climate change would not exist. The same is true, however, in terms of finding solutions to address this situation. Data encourages action and change, and provides companies with an accurate, detailed, dependable, and secure foundation from which to efficiently approach net-zero. By focusing on creating a comprehensive data strategy that effectively aligns with your company’s net-zero goals, tremendous strides can be taken to create a more sustainable world.
Data democracy - What, Why and How?
"Going with gut" - Not unless its filled with data
The Customer Journey: investing in data improves sales, and cuts costs
Data Silos: using your data efficiently to power your business
From the sweet shop to the multinational business, data can be a headache. The disparity between interdepartmental requirements and the need to collate it into quantifiable and understandable information in the pursuit of growth is something with which all businesses have to contend. But there is an answer…
Data: Choose your Battle
Making business choices: Software and beyond
Choosing the Right Software Consultancy
When Big is not always Beautiful…In an age where value for money becomes a ‘go to’ catchphrase which defines many purchasing options from the fast food beef burger meal to the latest oversized crocodile skin designer tote, it is interesting to see that in many cases, value for money equates with something being ‘bigger’.